Content Nodes

These nodes allow you to define the shape of the selected object or character and add special effects, such as animation, sounds, text, and so on.

For details on how to add a content node to a character or object in a game, see Adding, Editing, and Deleting Nodes.

Node  Icon Description Customizable?
3D Model Defines a 3D mesh that provides a shape to a character or object. No
Animation Creates a 2D plane that plays a PNG sequence or displays an image. No
8 Side Animation Changes an asset’s 2D animation based on the asset’s direction of movement or the direction it faces in a 3D World. Yes
Sound Plays an MP3 file. No
Label Allows you to display text inside an asset. No
Trail Creates a trail that traces along the asset’s movement path in a scene. No
Trail 3D Spawns multiple specified assets that follow behind the controlling asset in a trail. Yes
Billboard Icon Shows an image that will always face the camera. No
Sub Scene Contains a 3D mesh with a skeleton that can be animated by a Keyframe Animation node. No
Keyframe Animation Plays a 3D animation for a connected Sub Scene node. No