Bounce Brainbox

This physics Brainbox makes an asset bounce off a surface.

Brainbox Attributes

After you add this Brainbox you need to specify the Jump Force attribute.

Attribute Description
Jump Force
  • Specifies how high and in which direction the asset bounces.
  • To make an asset bounce, you must have a positive value in the axis field. Without it, the asset will not bounce at all.
  • To make an asset bounce:
    • Straight up—enter a positive value in the Y axis field.
    • Forward—enter a positive value in the Y and Z axis fields.
    • Backward—enter a positive value in the Y and a negative value in the Z axis fields.
    • Left—enter a positive value in the Y and a negative value in the X axis fields.
    • Right—enter a positive value in the Y and X axis fields.
    • Diagonally—enter a value in all the axis fields.
If you don’t want the asset to bounce in a specific direction, delete the value in the respective axis field.
Collision Shape If you want to change the collision shape, choose the desired option. For details, see Change Collision Shapes.
Affected Asset If you want the asset to bounce off every surface, keep the All selection. If you want the asset to bounce off only a specific surface, choose the desired option.

Brainbox Node Group

After you add this Brainbox to an asset, a group of nodes containing a Bounce Collision (If Collide) node, and Jump node is added to the Node Map of the asset.