Steam is pretty much the big league when it comes to getting your PC game out there, and if you’ve been playing around with Buildbox 4, you know just how cool and easy it is to bring your game ideas to life. So, what’s next? Sharing your masterpiece with gamers all over the world through Steam, of course! In this guide, we’re going to walk you through the process of publishing your Buildbox game to Steam …
Today, we’re going to share the same game dev secrets that we used to make hit games like Phases, The Line Zen, SKY, The Pit and more. Then we’ll walk you through the whole process and break down each secret strategy …
We’re very excited to announce that Phases, the first game we’ve created with Buildbox, is officially greenlit on Steam! When we submitted this game we were hoping for the best, but never thought we would get ranked to the number one position out of the 2,043 games submitted to Greenlight. Thanks everyone for …
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