It’s spotlight time, and this week’s game pick is Super DJ by Viking Factory. Built with Buildbox 3 and no-code, this very cool music game has won over both gamers and music fans with its tricky beats. It’s also been featured worldwide in the music and action games categories in countries like Germany, Canada, France, Australia, Brazil, China, Turkey, Japan, and Sweden.
So, let’s take a closer look at the new mobile game Super DJ by Viking Factory!
Super DJ – Playing Tricky Beats in 3D
In Super DJ, players get to become the DJ of an epic 3D party. It’s up to you to keep the music going by guiding the flying record through a trippy obstacle course filled with neon rings, blocks, and tunnels. Hovering over different colored blocks changes the tempo of the music, allowing you to create your own remix. Each block has a distinct sound so you can get really creative with each track.
As you rock the crowd, you earn points that you can later use to unlock new music tracks like techno, hip hop, electro, and reggae. In this 3D game, the party never ends! Plus, just like a real DJ, you can make scratch sound effects by swiping your finger back and forth quickly.
The game also features an out of this world camera flip when you’re in the zone remixing away. The neon lights, funky fast paced beats, and 3D dancers make Super DJ a lot of fun to play.
If you love music games and are ready for a challenge then you’ll definitely want to check out Super DJ!
Super DJ is available to download on iOS and Google Play today!
Congratulations to Viking Factory’s Sebastien Pancrazi on the success of Super DJ! The game was originally created in only six days as an entry for one of our game jams. At the time, creator Pancrazi happened to be staying with a friend during lockdown who enjoyed mixing Electro all night long with an actual Traktor DJ console. It inspired him to make his entry a music-themed one. Although he didn’t win, he managed to create a pretty cool DJ game in the process. After the competition, Pancrazi took his time building out and tweaking the game further until Super DJ was ready for the world. Touch Arcade has already featured the game.
“Buildbox 3 is an amazing game engine. It’s my favorite for its simplicity and power … You can literally make a game in no time.” – Sebastien Pancrazi
You can learn more about him and Viking Factory games on his website, Twitter, and TikTok. We really hope this spotlight has inspired you!
Will Your Game Be Next?
If you’d like to be our next spotlight, send us a link to your Buildbox game, and we’ll check it out! We’re always on the lookout for new BB games on the horizon. All you have to do is post a tweet that mentions us @buildbox and add a link to your game to show us your app. We’re also on the hunt for new games in our official Buildbox forum and Discord channel in the Game Showcase section.
Dream big, and keep on developing!