Yes! I have been gone so long that I don't know the answer to this question... Does anybody still use Buildbox 1.x? Thanks!
I have a pending game developed using BuildBox version 1 (demo). I have paused the development of this due to some personal matters a few months...
Hey! I must of missed a step :confused: during the DL of BB2 trial lol. I have a bunch of previous versions of BB installed in separate folders...
Hey! I was thinking about building a game IN BUILDBOX 1.3X that uses a play style where the character can jump onto moving platforms. I haven't...
Any ETA on new update of BB 1? @Andy? @theseanjonathanconnor ? Thanks, Taras
Hey Guys, I am into the apps business for almost 4 years now. We made a few simple games like fix-a-pic and a few complex ones like Wordu-Fast...
Hey Guys, BB 1.3.5 has some issues when using non-retina external display on MacBook Pro. First it has some kind of weird resolution issues....
Hello & Thank You Buildbox ! Buildbox just brought my ideas to life : ★ 7 days of learning . ★ 10 days building my first game ( Jump Dot ! ) for...
Hi guys, We (my best friend and I) released this one about a month ago. - Please check it out and advise what should we change in the update -...
Where would I get (or make) 3d cubes like in zigzag (ketchapp) Thanks!
I was wondering how to make cubes/ rectangles like in popular ketchapp games, such as zig zag. And how to have the player (ball) move along top of...
Hi, i am new in buildbox and using buildbox1.3.5 trial version and facing rendering issue.I can't render. it always crash and closed.Please help...
How do I make the trail effect follow the player. Thanks!:)
I was searching in the web and i heard that buildbox first prototype was called project zero then became project mayhem then came out mayhem 2 but...
Can someone please manually slow my game down for me. I tried everything but nothing seems to work. Here is the...
How do I slow down the speed of the runner? Thank You. :)
How would I make it so that my player's gravity switches when I tap the screen. And only the player, not any other objects. Thank You. :)
Anybody having issues with android builds? Some, if not all, small audio files does not play as the game progresses, and some does not play at...
Hi, I facing popup msgs when we upload app on Android Play store, It's due to HeyZap SDK not install properly. I Found solution for this i...
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