Never ask when an update is coming. You will never know or it will come ... in the near future / soon. So sometime or something... The last time an update or rather a release was supposed to get to Buildbox was may time ago. So far only small things have been fixed. So don't get your hopes up that something will come in the near future. I have now given up and taken another engine for my 2d games. Also there is no code ...
[QUOTE = "HG-2018, post: 103519, member: 61771"] Никогда не спрашивайте, когда выйдет обновление. Вы никогда не узнаете или это произойдет ... в ближайшем будущем / скоро. Так что как-нибудь ... В последний раз обновление или, скорее, релиз должен был появиться в Buildbox некоторое время назад. Пока исправлены только мелочи. Так что не надейтесь, что что-то произойдет в ближайшем будущем. Теперь я сдался и взял другой движок для своих 2D-игр. И кода нет ... [/ QUOTE] If you switched to another engine, then what are you doing then we do not need provocation. I am also waiting for the update and I am silent I ask you not to build up tension here
I use Buildbox 2 built iphone5 and ipad3 is crash and black screen and It says [PTPAppDelegate] Tamper check failed
[QUOTE = "Sean Buildbox, post: 103549, member: 33"] Мы ожидаем первую неделю марта. Скоро будет более официальное объявление [/ QUOTE] The buildbox 2 system will also log in via Google account
Niiiice! I'm looking forward to that. I have a mega update for my game ready but i will wait until March to release it so I can be in line with new idfa stuff also.
Those are extremely old devices. I can check on this but Apple no longer supports those devices, honestly I'm not sure our exports can and also be in line with requirements for their newer devices and iOS. Ensure not trying to manipulate the start screen unless you are on the Pro plan as well.
Are speaking in reference to iPhone 5 and iPad 3 along with Buildbox 2? If so would reference what I said above as well, are you attempting to change the Start/Loading screen?
My plan no have loading bar and have buildbox logo but i have loading bar and no have buildbox logo is running very well before Can you del the buildbox logo and give back the loading bar to me
We've had to push it back a bit but it's still high priority. We'll have some more official information with timelines/road maps coming out in the near future for clarification.