Непонятно, какие требования [QUOTE = "DariusGuerrero, post: 104074, member: 57245"] не только это, обновление также будет соответствовать требованиям прозрачности отслеживания приложений [/ QUOTE] It is not clear what the requirements are.
And update that addresses IDFA and SDK updates is imminent and is currently going through testing to be clear
Sean, I assume you are referring to BB 2, because it appears BB3 update for this is already out? Any time frame for BB2?
When can we finally expect an update or a reboot as promised many months ago? I actually wanted to delete my account, but somehow it keeps grabbing me. Only when it takes forever again and it's just another update that only contains small things do I ask myself why I should continue to pay. What exactly do you do or how will everything look? In the video of the new CEO it was always said that there will be a reboot and Buildbox 2 (2D) will be redone but the old projects can be carried over. So far, there is hardly any information or any dates have been set. There is only talk of it coming soon. If I told my son to clean his room and he answered "Soon", his room would never be clean. Something should finally come soon or the function in Buildbox 3 should be better in 2D.
Where I would be happy is if the games worked better on Android. The problems are hardly with Apple but with Android the games are often slower.
That new CEO email we got in August last year saying they will relaunch bb2 is the reason I started making another game in buildbox and it was what kept me around this engine. I really believed him but then he proved himself to be just another corporate talking head. sad
They value box 3 more, they don't give a damn about box 2 Promises are already bored Yes, and one beta version, only one fixes And most importantly, we write to them, they read and do not answer us
Oh, you have no idea what's going behind the scenes... Anyway, let's keep waiting to an update but until then... Let me know what are you looking for? What do you guys wanna achieve that's currently unachievable on bb2?
When I read something like that again I have to get upset again. It is a request how far the promises are. It was promised that there is a relunch and this not only in a few months, but soon. This is not about things that would not be possible because I and like some others pay money for it. I also pay for other things and expect a certain support and assistance. If I don't pay for something, like some here who use a free version of buildbox, I can't expect that either. I have been here for a few years and know how it is. If you can't keep promises, please don't make them. I have no problem with things changing, only then buildbox 3 should also support buildbox 2 templates and that 100 percent. I don't have to have another discussion with you, where I don't feel like it. The question was for the buildbox team alone. If I didn't have to pay anything for it I wouldn't care, but some people pay money for it. If I would not deliver a year of work, I also get no money.
Alright, let me get this out first, I'm on started to pay for buildox mid tire since 2018 and now I'm on a pro subscription for more than 1/5 years now. So yeah I understand you and I know what you say. I was asking what you want so I can try to build it into BB3 and open a new gate for all of you with or without any extra fees. The thing is that I've seen so many BB2 Pro users that they know what they do and master the engine asking for something in return/ WE;; I guess I wanna sacrifice 2 hours of my free time to make sure that this will eventually (based on my knowledge and power) become true. What I meant about "you have no idea" is the fact that in this type of service ofter you have to refactor and rewrite the same code in different ways to make it scalable. This part results in stagnation in results and a huge boost when this part is done. I'm not sure what BB team is doing but I can bet that they are doing something under the hood. now, To be clear, I'm frustrated that they released 3.3.8 even though I said in beta that is not ready or the fact that BB2 did not got a release in ages but things happen, some are good and some are bad. Note: I'm a QC engineer with more than 5 years of experience in different areas of testing both automation and manual from mobile to web and native apps. So I know when things are ready or not ready for release, but that does not save me any penny from my annual payment that I have to do when the receipt expires.