⚡ It's Time We Have A Buildbox Game Jam! ⚡

Discussion in 'Buildbox General Discussion' started by DariusGuerrero, Nov 30, 2017.


Should we have a Buildbox Game Jam?

  1. Yes

    21 vote(s)
  2. No

    2 vote(s)
  1. ZackGriset

    ZackGriset Avid Boxer

    Oct 3, 2017
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    Yeeeeeaaaaauuuuhhhhh! Let's do this, I have also been wanting to do a Buildbox SF Meetup. That might be in the works as well. I'll let you guys know asap. :)
    DariusGuerrero likes this.
  2. AaroArts

    AaroArts Miniboss Boxer

    Jun 22, 2016
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    This would be a hugely missed opportunity if they don’t run an official Jam.
    Game Jams create a lot of hype on Twitter.
    DariusGuerrero and ZackGriset like this.
  3. sebb121

    sebb121 Boxer

    Dec 10, 2017
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    I think this is a great idea!
    ZackGriset likes this.
  4. BTC Studio

    BTC Studio Boxer

    Dec 5, 2015
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    It would be awesome if there was a BB game jam! Hope it happens!
    ZackGriset likes this.
  5. ZackGriset

    ZackGriset Avid Boxer

    Oct 3, 2017
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    So, my fellow boxers, I want to get some more feedback from you guys on this. I like Darius's suggestion of having it around 3 days. I was thinking we should do it on a weekend so it will be less likely to interfere with someone's work schedule. (unless you work on the weekend) To prevent people from cheating, I think we should announce a theme or a type of gameplay or a list of objects that must be included and then start the timer right after the announcement. We have to have something in place to prevent people from cheating. Are there any other guidelines or rules that should be put in place so that the Game Jam runs smoothly? I've got a pretty good idea already, but I wanted to hear from the BB community as well. :)
    DariusGuerrero and AaroArts like this.
  6. Skrubzy

    Skrubzy Avid Boxer

    Nov 3, 2017
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    How about a file of assets we can download, so the game doesn't look completely terrible. And some amount of those assets must be used in the game
    ZackGriset likes this.
  7. ZackGriset

    ZackGriset Avid Boxer

    Oct 3, 2017
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    Oh I really like that idea. That's a great suggestion. I think @dani would like that too. ;)
    There's a lot of time spent with art design so with artwork prepared, you could spend more time on things like level design. Maybe we could include some music as well. Keep the ideas coming guys!
    DariusGuerrero likes this.
  8. thatguyminib

    thatguyminib Serious Boxer

    Jul 1, 2017
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    So in game jams you usually have to start from scratch and usually have to make and do everything that weekend but honestly that is up to the people creating it. Also there is no real way to tell if anyone cheated game jams are mainly to learn and have fun.

    You can use itch.io to setup a jam.
    dani and ZackGriset like this.
  9. ZackGriset

    ZackGriset Avid Boxer

    Oct 3, 2017
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    Okay, we will play around with the idea of starting from scratch or providing some sort of assets. Either way, it should be a lot of fun. :)
    AaroArts likes this.
  10. AaroArts

    AaroArts Miniboss Boxer

    Jun 22, 2016
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    Sounds awesome @ZackGriset.
    Really looking forward to this.
    3 days sounds good to me for a BB Jam.

    I would say to set rules like game type, things like that :D
    ZackGriset likes this.
  11. DariusGuerrero

    DariusGuerrero Avid Boxer

    Dec 22, 2016
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    Good thing about itch.io is that all of this is possible. Here's their guide for hosting a Game Jam https://itch.io/docs/creators/game-jams

    First question is, how do you prevent cheating by making their game early? With Buildbox's templates it would be really challenging. One way I thought of though, which might be impractical for the participants and the game jam admins, is to have people screen record their game creation process. Game Jams are usually done on an honor system anyway. No one really tries because it would be really embarrassing if one were to win but it is later found out that the game was being worked on for weeks now. Another way would be in the theme itself. The theme could be really unique and therefore the jammers wouldn't have started it early.

    Second question is, can a jammer use premade assets such as SFX, music and art? In most game jams, jammers can use pre-made assets from sites such as OGA as long as the license permits it (eg. public domain, Creative Commons etc.). I this part is okay since music and sfx takes a while to make and not everyone is a musician. We can sorta force people to make their own 2D art though by having a unique theme. Or outright just say that all graphic assets must be made in the time period, but audio assets is fair game. Or, just like you said, you can force people to use only available assets, BUT, that would make casuals looking at Buildbox think that BB only makes the same-looking games and it might put them off. It's time we end that stigma. Also, it might be hard for Apple to feature a Game Jam-winning game if they look not so unique. (even if the art was new and made for the Game Jam, apple might notice a plethora of games look the same). How many times have we seen the same-looking BB games released on the app stores? How many times do you see these in a month? haha
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Third is, do we restrict the game type? Nah. Let's just say that the "execution" of a theme is usually the most important aspect of Game Jams. But of course you decided on the criteria and the theme. You can have us vote for the theme, but some bozos might start working on the game when they see the polls so I think it would be best if the theme is secret from any participant. Oh and the theme has to be awesome!

    Lastly, how many winners are there? is it all about just for the best game, or will there be categories for best art, most original idea, best execution, most fun, etc.? These are some questions we have to think about

    Oh, and for promoting the Game Jam, post about it on the website, post about it on Youtube, make it seem like a big deal! Maybe some BBers aren't too active on the forums? Let's make it feel like the SuperBowl or Wrestlemania of game development haha.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2017
    ZackGriset likes this.
  12. ZackGriset

    ZackGriset Avid Boxer

    Oct 3, 2017
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    @DariusGuerrero Yes! I love this. I took a look at the itch.io guidelines and it was really useful. Thanks for sending that along.

    For question 1, I think you're right. Having a clear and unique theme that we announce right at the start would be the best way to prevent people from starting early.

    Question 2, I think premade assets should be fair game. People should be free to use whatever assets they like in my opinion. Providing assets would be cool, but we would have to provide enough so that each game has a better chance of looking unique, which we couldn't realistically do that.

    Question 3, I think you're right on this one as well. Restricting the gameplay type is restricting creativity and I don't want that.

    About winners and prizes and whatnot, I still need to discuss that. That hasn't been decided, but I think having categories would be fun. I really like competitions. And of course, if we decide to have a game jam, we will put the word out. :D

    Thanks again Darius for starting this thread. Long overdue.
  13. Kevin W

    Kevin W Avid Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    This sounds like a neat idea :) Single word theme announced when it starts - anything goes!
    AaroArts and ZackGriset like this.
  14. AaroArts

    AaroArts Miniboss Boxer

    Jun 22, 2016
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    Agreed :)
    ZackGriset and Kevin W like this.
  15. MattWills

    MattWills Avid Boxer

    Nov 5, 2017
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    Anything further happening with this? Sounds great.
  16. ZackGriset

    ZackGriset Avid Boxer

    Oct 3, 2017
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    Yes, we decided we are definitely going to have a Game Jam soon. We are just finalizing the dates and getting everything organized. There are a few other projects I need to finish up first and I also was out sick all last week with the flu so I'm playing a little catch up. I'll make sure to let everyone know when we are going to have it. It probably won't be until right around the end of February though. Just a heads up.
    swiftcurrent, AndyG, AaroArts and 2 others like this.
  17. DariusGuerrero

    DariusGuerrero Avid Boxer

    Dec 22, 2016
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    alright! It's official! So excited for this!
    ZackGriset likes this.

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