Buildbox 3.0 Beta3

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by NikRudenko, Oct 11, 2018.

  1. DanFarfan

    DanFarfan Avid Boxer

    Sep 22, 2018
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    I think the solution to your question has several parts.
    First, each cube must have a unique identity. One way to accomplish this is to add an attribute of type number called "ID" to the Cube asset and give each instance of the cube a different number (e.g. 1, 2, 3... 20)

    Second, the means to detect which cube you are touching can be found in the examples offered when you click "New Project." The example you want to study is called "Pool." Start a new project using Pool, then open the entity called "Slingshot" ( this is the ball and a few other things combined ). Once open, double click on the node called Slingshot and look at how TouchBegan(), TouchMove() and TouchEnded() functions work.

    Third, in the init() function of your cube node, add the Javascript command;
    _id = this.entity.attribute("ID");
    And in the space before the first function in that code, add the Javascript command:
    var _id = -1;
    PALAKEM and particles like this.
  2. Hodofca

    Hodofca Boxer

    Oct 17, 2018
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    I have the same problem. It happen inside buildbox on Win7. Preview works ok for about 3 sec then everything disappears except UI. For test im using just default starting games. For that new twisted road and twisted switch my screen goes blank after about 3 sec. For older game, with the name "Leap" screen goes blank after 1sec. There must be happening something that is triggering that behaviour. Also it happens only when i use reload button at least once during testing. When i close preview window and start game again there is no problem.
    So the problem is in reload button. It happens since beta 3 update.

    Also the 2nd problem that i have and is still not resolved since the release of 1st beta is unability of setting BB fullscreen (tested in WIN7 64bit). I must use it in windowed mode (well, even everyone from Buildbox staff use BB in windowed mode according to videoblogs and tutorials). Even then it is not working correctly. 3d View is acting weird. When i for example go back from editing this post to BB window here it is what happens:

    Instead of 3d view of my game i see what is underneath of BB. Looks like 3d view is not updating it's informations. Moving BB window is not helping. It's like im moving a screenshot inside BB software. Resizing a bit works and i finally can see my 3d view. Same for rotating or moving. It is 'repairing' the view.
    Every time i rotate my 3d view in any scene the items are flickering, disappearing for a milisecond. Sometimes those items disappear. For example in "Twisted Road" boxes can disappear, Other times when rotating or moving - road will disappear, sometimes both. It's a lottery. I'ts like: everytime i rotate or move, all items must be destroyed, moved, then instanced back to the scene but sometimes it fails to do it. Because of that problem for me BB software is unusable. Can you fix that?
    volcank likes this.
  3. Hodofca

    Hodofca Boxer

    Oct 17, 2018
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    I'm sending also a video where i show what the problem is and as a bonus i'm scattering path road to many pieces just by moving path point for longer (it takes sometimes shorter, sometimes longer time to see it)
    NikRudenko likes this.

    PALAKEM Boxer

    Oct 10, 2018
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    Thank you very much. I will try.
  5. DanFarfan

    DanFarfan Avid Boxer

    Sep 22, 2018
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    Oh my. How embarrassing. The code in my original reply did not have the () with the physics!! Big mistake.
    It is corrected in the quoted text in this post.

    Is there no "edit" post function on this forum? Or have I not yet earned permission to edit my own posts?

  6. Ychward

    Ychward Boxer

    Aug 26, 2018
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    Okay . . . AGAIN NO ANSWER from BB to my question. I think i will cancel my subscription. I have much ready to go games. But if the MAIN things not working it is tot possible at the moment to use. And so i dont want to pay for that shit!

    Thinks not working:
    - Event observers to go to an "End Screen" and start the game again via menu
    - Ads

    That are the MAIN things why i can not bring games to the appstores. So if i now have a publisher which want to publish for me (which i have), then i cant do the final version for them! That is bullshit!

    I ask myself what the BB Team is doing the whole day! In BB2 there were these observers (copy and paste your code!) also the ads. Next thing is that you PROMISED to bring every week new assets! Which assets are new since the Beta2? Weekly!?!

    I have the feeling that the guys on BB are a extremely slow lazy heap!

    And YES, EVERYBODY here is paying for a software that doesn´t work well!
    Because if it does not cost and it is additional to BB2 . . . why cant i load it for free?

    All guys here paying for something not working in the MAIN FUNCTIONS!

    Guys, in the Time you did that, i startet creating the same games in Unity . . . and i am ready with that games now, without coding experience before!

    What is wrong with you?
  7. volcank

    volcank Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    I also have the same issue in Mac. After I make some changes to the scene (tried in 2 different templates) The screen goes blank. I also lived the same issue in mobile device during gameplay. It sometimes happen sometimes not. Might be a memory issue maybe.
  8. LBPToo

    LBPToo Avid Boxer

    Nov 1, 2016
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    @Ychward, lighten up. Are you forgetting this is Beta software? There is no justification to demand what isn't implemented yet with Beta software, and there's never justification for the profanity even if you are justifiably upset, which you aren't. Software development is difficult and unpredictable. The only thing I criticize the BB Team for is being too transparent with their plans, since with this unpredictability they are more likely than not to disappoint, and get expectations set to a level they can't meet. If you're trying to publish games with beta software then that is 100% your risk. If you weren't so busy writing a nasty post, and instead doing some research on this forum, you might have found the documentation by @particles on how to integrate ad networks into least for IOS.

  9. Kaliterimes

    Kaliterimes Boxer

    Jan 10, 2018
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    Salutations à l’équipe de buildbox, bravo pour tous vos logiciels, continuez ainsi!
    AlexBB likes this.
  10. Josh (Nology Games)

    Josh (Nology Games) Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Translation (New Greetings to buildbox team, congratulations on all your software, keep it up!)
    Thank you!! we are happy that you are liking the software and know that you are really going to like it upon full release
  11. Josh (Nology Games)

    Josh (Nology Games) Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2017
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    @volcank I am sorry that you are unhappy with a Beta Software, please remember that the team is working full time on making this software up to publisher standards. we do understand the reasons that you are upset but I would like to remind you that your subscription is for Buildbox and infact is not for buildbox3 as it is only in Beta but it is something that we thought it was only fair to share with anyone who has a subscription. While the issues that you mentioned are annoying, they are something that will get fixed at a later date. now please remember to be respectful on the forums as members do not enjoy seeings a public rant such as this. yes it has issues, but its in Beta and you knew that when you got it.
    bmsingha, LBPToo and DanFarfan like this.
  12. Josh (Nology Games)

    Josh (Nology Games) Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2017
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    @LBPToo good job!! myself and the team agree with your statement, please keep up the good work!!
    Hue Buildbox, DanFarfan and LBPToo like this.
  13. volcank

    volcank Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Hi @Tekanology like u said yourself the things I mentioned are annoying yes and I think I am not being disrespectful but talking about the things that needs to be fixed in bb3. At the end I am sure even tough our subscription is based on bb2 many people here are trying to make game now with bb3 and publish their own 3d game. People are now into publishing now and wants to publish their games with voodoo or another pubisher. At the end that is what is promised in the bb3 ads going on all around at youtube and facebook right? And like 2 days ago I literally spent all my night trying to fix a problem in bb3 and the file went corrupt at the end (this is not a rant) all night gone to trash almost but somehow this is fixed. Please let’s not talk about being disrespectful I am also another customer paying monthly like many others here alright? I am not exagurating things at the end we are all in the same boat and I would want bb3 to be ready to publish a nice polished game at the end. No offense btw these are all my feelings as a game maker.
  14. Josh (Nology Games)

    Josh (Nology Games) Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I am please to hear that you have been making games with buildbox3, but please understand that it has not been stated that buildbox3 is even ready. you are using a BETA Software and need to understand that it was released to let everyone get used to it, and once its full release, the issues that you are bringing up will be fixed. it is sad that Buildbox2 has reached its final days but Buildbox3 will be much better then it and yes, better then how it currently is in Beta.
    volcank likes this.
  15. spicedbeangames

    spicedbeangames Miniboss Boxer

    Mar 31, 2016
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    I think we all have to be a little patient. First out, BB3 is trying to offer something no one else currently does. There's no doubt since BB3 began development, the game's market has shifted rapidly with the arrival of Voodoo, metrics and publishers wanting to use many different SDKs.

    The team clearly are playing some catch up(or Ketch-app! LOL) to develop the software while now including APIs publishers require. BB2 was designed for a different time period but its clear everything has changed so much in a short space of time. And there has to be some balance too with managing our expectations and how fast they can release a new WORKING update.

    Rome wasn't built in a day.
  16. Steddyman

    Steddyman Boxer

    Sep 3, 2018
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    I was trying to make a commercial game with BB3 because the fixed function pipeline of BB2 doesn't allow me to make what I want.

    However, I'm just going to be patient and use the down time to improve my game design skills by studying level progression in other successful games.
    Hue Buildbox likes this.
  17. volcank

    volcank Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Excuse me but I just talk about what I go through in here. Does that mean I am not grateful? Please do not create a misunderstanding here about me. Like I said we are on the same boat here and would like bb3 and bb2 to improve. It does nothing to do with being grateful or not.
  18. itzonator

    itzonator Serious Boxer

    Dec 18, 2017
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    @NikRudenko which version of Visual Studio would be used for BB3 exports? 2015 or the latest? There's Visual Studio for Mac now, it would be awesome to have that supported! :)
  19. TheGameAppStudio

    TheGameAppStudio Serious Boxer

    Nov 2, 2016
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    One quick rule : Never compare one thing with another .Yesterday it was Ketchapp today voodoo and tomorrow ...? who knows..?
    :p I hope the message is conveyed ;)
    volcank likes this.
  20. volcank

    volcank Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    I couldn’t agree more!
    TheGameAppStudio likes this.

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