Can you do it for MoPub by choosing custom from Buildbox software ? A tutorial or a step by step guide? Any help would be really appreciated . Thanks
Yes. That is where you can animate object directly on game filed. I'm working with Zack on more detailed video tutorial on how to use that.
Maybe. Don't worry I'll be back with some instructions about that. I just want to prepare all the necessary stuff and then do official announcement of this feature
Oh man I dont know what to say, finally there is export to android lol, I used the old version a lot, I had this software for like 2 months or more, but never done any game with it, now I will see how it looks on android.
The follow advanced move it doesn't work it has a bug it said that create copy of an object and follow it that's what I did, i made that the actor if it collides with an object its going to create a copy of it and follow like the snake but instead it doesn't work and it removes the object and only leave its mesh in the scene when you preview it
Hi, I would appreciate the effort that took beta 3 release. This looks great @NikRudenko. Thanks for an update. @NikRudenko - Please reply and rectify the problem since it is not present in Beta2 but occurs in Beta3. Problem: I found one problem in Buildbox beta3 update which is not present in Buildbox Beta 2. If I add Smart Asset in start scene and add Move Node give speed at -10 in Z direction then this smart asset move in Z direction till end of Start scene, once start scene ends this smart asset get disappear. Same if I do it in Beta2 then Smart Asset move in Z direction in all the scene along with Actor or character till it dies. Please rectify this point the same as the previous beta 2 update. I am uploading the sample file please run this file in both Beta2 and Beta 3 and see the difference. Kindly provide the solution for this problem with new update. Main Goal is previous beta2 functionality should not get disturb in any new update, otherwise all the development of games done in previous update become zero in new update. Please find herewith attached file for testing.
Thanks, but this is a big disappointment for me. It still has the following issues: * Unable to control level frequency or appearance timing * Bug with graphics corrupting the further I travel the path (which I logged a support request with Project on 3 weeks ago) The level frequency control is especially odd. You can Align Scenes or Randomise them, but you cannot see how this was done because the arrow to expand the Add button still does nothing. Also, the Cooldown (the only property to survive) does nothing. I can put 10,000 in it and it can still draw three of them in a row. Another long wait now before I can do anything about my game.
Hi @NikRudenko I'm just trying the stick to path and I can't get the path to manipulate the position of objects on it when I'm moving the path. Will there be a tutorial for this? Thanks
Best and Current Score is not updating properly in Xcode AppDelegate. But its working perfect within the game UI display. I am trying to integrate with the custom leaderboard/game analytics. Code: - (void)screenOnEnter:(const char*) name{ //Make sure you include this line below NSString* n = [NSStringstringWithUTF8String:name]; // Tracks when a game ENDS if([n isEqualToString: @"GameOverUI"]) { float bestscore = PTPScoreController::scores(); float currentscore = PTPScoreController::scores().points.current(); NSLog(@"best :%f",bestscore); NSLog(@"current :%f",currentscore); // send Game Analytics event that the game World appeared and game has started [GameAnalyticsaddProgressionEventWithProgressionStatus:GAProgressionStatusCompleteprogression01:@"game"progression02:@"nil"progression03:nil score:bestscore]; } } EDIT: Sorry, My mistake. Everything working fine. I am expecting CurrentWorld's Current Score and Best Score. I need to get as below. float bestscore = PTPScoreController::currentScreenScores(); float currentscore = PTPScoreController::currentScreenScores().points.current(); float totalscore = PTPScoreController::currentScreenScores(); NSLog(@"best :%f",bestscore); NSLog(@"current :%f",currentscore);
Please enable Scene Progress Timeline for adjusting levels. Now it is completely randomised with all scenes. We need to enable certain Scenes only after the player reaches a certain distance.
@NikRudenko I'm not sure if this is just me but I can't apply a color to any of my Object models in BB3 Beta 3
Yes, It happens to some models in Beta 3. I can see colour changes in the scene editor. But during runtime its back to the default colour.
I am experiencing a very wierd problem , if anyone else has experienced the same I would like that person to report to support team as well like I have so that they know about it. I have completed by game and the bbdoc project size is 705 kb. After exporting it to Android the folder we get has a size of around 27 mb which is acceptable. After exporting it to iOS the folder we get has a size of around 600 mb which is not acceptable at all because I only used the assets provided within the Buildbox software, have still not created any UI, my atlases are empty , there are also not sound effects in the project till this stage. I can't release the game if it's size is going to be this large. @Andy @AndyG @NikRudenko and all other staff members and other boxers can anyone help me in this situation ? I am attaching a screenshot as a proof. P.S. :- After adding sound effects and creating UI's the size has not changes a lot.
The screenshot has been uploaded on a new thread that I create You can go check it out there.
Just to make your work easier, I was looking at individual file size in the iOS folder and found that libs folder was around 612 mb, is that supposed to be this big and inside libs folder another folder named jsapi is around 370 mb even though it contains only 1 file in it. There is surely some problem in there. Inside libs other two folder which are very large are cocos2dx and core taking 78.5 mb and 148.8 mb respectively. Pls look into this fast and provide a solution, A humble request.