Please send out the bbdoc to and ask for help. From experience the source that has around 100-200 mb are ok after compilation. Compile and create the ipa(iOS app) and see what happens.
Honestly actual xCode project size is not very important, bbdoc and final IPA file size have much more correlation. The xCode project size can vary on that based on a lot of factors. Now if you're seeing massive final IPA sizes then that would be a cause for concern. Have not heard of that recently, and certainly not an issue we wouldn't have addressed if so from November 2018
Thank you, however, some scene refuses to unmute even with the M shortcut. Might have to reload the app.
I just found out that BB made an update this week, I think yesterday. I am using the free version, I had a game that had 50 Scenes, I was elated when I built these much scenes last month, now trying to update, I found I could only Unmute 15 scenes. This was when I surmised that they have made an update, I checked and it was true. The update is not funny, but its an investment worth putting your money in. I mean buying a subscription.
No BB Free Accounts should see any changes until 90 days regarding the changes made yesterday. Can you DM me exactly whats occurring for you so I can investigate?
Hi Sean, thanks always for your swift response. Will send screenshots. I saw all the new update that was supposed to take effect in 90 days, yesterday. The Splash Screen only has 2 layers with Buildbox layer locked. No more loading bar. My Splash screen is usually White. So Buildbox Text Logo doesn't show only the icon. My Scenes were usually more than 15. Now I cannot go past 15. I had to delete 35 scenes on a game that was formal with 50 scenes. Also, not to be forward, the new update says that after 90 days we cannot Launch to Mobile... Sending you the files in a bit.
Hi, @Sean Buildbox I have sent them to you, I do not know if I sent them right, but did so in a new conversation. Hope this is fine if not, I can do a mail to you... I am not yet familiar with the forum's interface.