Hey, i've been using Heyzap mediation for almost 6 months, my last payment was on August. Now i have more the 500$ in my balance but i did not receive it. i contacted them several times but they don't reply on my emails. Today i logged in to my account, i was shocked because my balance disappeared. So are you having the same problem ?? when was your last payment ? are they replying on your emails ??
Oh! something must be wrong, keep sending them emails, maybe it's because of black Friday and thanksgiving? my admob payment was on november 21 this month, but I have no idea about heyzap payments, even admob was late to send payments for a lot of developers too, I think it depends on your country.
Seems like a lot of people are having this issue, shame on this so called company, at least have the decency and reply to our emails. or explain the issue in a public post. Please guys if anyone know some way to contact them let us know
Same Issue for us! We used HeyZap since a year now. They are now part of Fyber. And seem to not longer run ads from their own Ad network. How ever we had over 1100 Dollar which are now gone. They removed the counter from their page and stopped sending out monthly revenue mails. You don't get any answer via mail or facebook. If anyone knows a method to reach them or goes against them with a lawyer please share your experince. I wrote about it a month ago on my blog. https://gamemanifest.wordpress.com/2018/12/08/hey-zap-fyberfairbid-is-a-scam/
@Josh (Tekanology) I think this thread needs to be sticked, to tell every boxer in the forum, to avoid being cheated by heyzap any more.
Agreed. Appodeal is much better. It gives better payouts and you can demand your money at any time past $100 which arrives within 7 business days roughly into your paypal account
hello, what wrong with error? Im using InMobi moneytization. It says that "cannot resolve InterstitialAdListener". somebody can help me? package com.secrethq.ads; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.Map; import org.cocos2dx.lib.Cocos2dxActivity; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; import com.inmobi.ads.InMobiBanner; import com.inmobi.ads.InMobiInterstitial; import com.inmobi.sdk.InMobiSdk; import com.inmobi.ads.InMobiAdRequestStatus; public class PTAdInMobiBridge { private static final String TAG = "PTAdInMobiBridge"; private static WeakReference<Cocos2dxActivity> s_activity; private static Cocos2dxActivity activity; private static native String accountId(); private static native long bannerId(); private static native long interstitialId(); private static boolean initComplete; private static boolean isBannerVisible; private static InMobiBanner imbanner; private static InMobiInterstitial interstitial; private static ViewGroup view; private static RelativeLayout.LayoutParams adViewParams; private static native void interstitialDidFail(); private static native void bannerDidFail(); // the method must be called in main thread, before any other method public static void initBridge(Cocos2dxActivity activity){ Log.v(TAG, "PTAdInMobiBridge --- INIT"); PTAdInMobiBridge.s_activity = new WeakReference<Cocos2dxActivity>(activity); PTAdInMobiBridge.activity = activity; initComplete = false; PTAdInMobiBridge.s_activity.get().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { if(PTAdInMobiBridge.accountId() == null){ return; } FrameLayout frameLayout = (FrameLayout)PTAdInMobiBridge.activity.findViewById(android.R.id.content); float density = PTAdInMobiBridge.activity.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; int width = Math.round(320 * density); int height= Math.round(50 * density); adViewParams = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams( width, height ); adViewParams.addRule(RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_BOTTOM); adViewParams.addRule(RelativeLayout.CENTER_IN_PARENT, RelativeLayout.TRUE); RelativeLayout layout = new RelativeLayout( PTAdInMobiBridge.activity ); frameLayout.addView( layout ); PTAdInMobiBridge.view = layout; InMobiSdk.init(PTAdInMobiBridge.activity, PTAdInMobiBridge.accountId()); initComplete = true; } }); } public static void hideBanner() { if(initComplete == false){ return; } isBannerVisible = false; Log.v(TAG, "hideBanner() is called..."); PTAdInMobiBridge.s_activity.get().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { if ( PTAdInMobiBridge.imbanner != null ){ PTAdInMobiBridge.imbanner.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } } }); } public static void showBanner() { if(initComplete == false){ return; } isBannerVisible = true; Log.v(TAG, "showBanner() is called..."); Log.v(TAG, "PTAdInMobiBridge.bannerId() = " + PTAdInMobiBridge.bannerId() ); PTAdInMobiBridge.s_activity.get().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { if ( PTAdInMobiBridge.imbanner == null ) { PTAdInMobiBridge.imbanner = new InMobiBanner(PTAdInMobiBridge.activity, PTAdInMobiBridge.bannerId()); PTAdInMobiBridge.imbanner.setListener(new InMobiBanner.BannerAdListener() { @Override public void onAdLoadSucceeded(InMobiBanner inMobiBanner) { Log.w(TAG, "Banner ad load Succeeded "); if ( PTAdInMobiBridge.isBannerVisible ) inMobiBanner.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } @Override public void onAdLoadFailed(InMobiBanner inMobiBanner, InMobiAdRequestStatus inMobiAdRequestStatus) { Log.w(TAG, "Banner ad failed to load with error: " + inMobiAdRequestStatus.getMessage()); bannerDidFail(); } @Override public void onAdDisplayed(InMobiBanner inMobiBanner) { } @Override public void onAdDismissed(InMobiBanner inMobiBanner) { } @Override public void onAdInteraction(InMobiBanner inMobiBanner, Map<Object, Object> map) { } @Override public void onUserLeftApplication(InMobiBanner inMobiBanner) { } @Override public void onAdRewardActionCompleted(InMobiBanner inMobiBanner, Map<Object, Object> map) { } }); } PTAdInMobiBridge.imbanner.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); // adding banner to view only first time if ( PTAdInMobiBridge.view.getChildCount() == 0 ) { try { PTAdInMobiBridge.view.addView( PTAdInMobiBridge.imbanner, PTAdInMobiBridge.adViewParams ); } catch (Exception e) { Log.v(TAG, "showBannerAd - Failed View Add Banner"); } } PTAdInMobiBridge.imbanner.load(); } }); } public static void showInterstitial() { if(initComplete == false){ return; } Log.v(TAG, "showInterstitial() is called..."); PTAdInMobiBridge.s_activity.get().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { InMobiInterstitial.InterstitialAdListener interstitialAdListener = new InMobiInterstitial.InterstitialAdListener() { @Override public void onAdLoadSucceeded(InMobiInterstitial ad) { if(ad.isReady()){ ad.show(); } } @Override public void onAdLoadFailed(InMobiInterstitial ad, InMobiAdRequestStatus requestStatus) { Log.w(TAG, "Interstitial ad failed to load with error: " + requestStatus.getMessage()); interstitialDidFail(); } @Override public void onAdDisplayed(InMobiInterstitial ad) {} @Override public void onAdDismissed(InMobiInterstitial ad) {} @Override public void onAdInteraction(InMobiInterstitial ad, Map<Object, Object> params) {} @Override public void onAdRewardActionCompleted(InMobiInterstitial ad, Map<Object, Object> rewards) {} @Override public void onUserLeftApplication(InMobiInterstitial ad) {} }; if ( PTAdInMobiBridge.interstitial == null ){ PTAdInMobiBridge.interstitial = new InMobiInterstitial(PTAdInMobiBridge.activity, PTAdInMobiBridge.interstitialId(), interstitialAdListener); } PTAdInMobiBridge.interstitial.load(); } }); } }
Hey guys, I just setup heyzap after a while from using it last. Are they still having problems?? I'm using them for reward videos but it doesn't work and all I get is a message when loading a interstitial ad "It's Working" but no ads. I'm using heyzap + admob
@ifud I actually received a mail from them now! NOTE: From now on our billing documents have been adjusted so the self-billing credit notes display a negative amount and invoices a positive one. Please note, that this change does not affect the payment process, i.e. the amount shown on credit note will be paid out to you according to your payment terms. Payment of the transaction balance is due within 45 days of the transaction date. It was 5 days ago. The bill shows -55.30 USD
Its actually money they want to give us. So nice! Also the person on the other end seems to be interested in firguing out the issue and missing/never paid money.