Moving this over to the new forum: After a long adventure I'm happy to say I just released my new Buildbox game Super Bounce on my Warp10 Games label. I spent the most time developing this game out of all my BB games. I'm really happy with the gameplay. I'd love to get some feedback from everyone and of course any positive reviews are really helpful. Here is the link to the game on the App Store: and here is the link to the video preview: Thanks in advance! -Gary
Nice trailer Gary, the game looks very playable, I'm off to download it to have a blast. Good luck with it.
Hey Gary, I've had a good play with Super Bounce and really like it. I found it very difficult at first whilst I got to grips with the bounce duration etc, but once I'd got the pattern, it got a little easier. I'm only on sector zero 0.02 and best score so far is 40
@Phill glad you like the game. I try not to make my games too difficult which is why I put a tutorial level first but they always end up being on the difficult side for new players some how. One day I will make a game that is dead simple and see how that does. @Rebel Studios thanks, I really spent a lot of time on the level design for Super Bounce. Now I just need to get the word out about the game and get some real downloads.
Hi Gary. Nice work on getting this out. I downloaded your game to check it out. I think you did a great job but had a couple things I hope you take as constructive criticism. This is indeed an insanely hard game. It took me twenty minutes to get higher than 5. I was having a really hard time understanding when the ball would bounce high and when it would bounce low, and why its so hard to get it to bounce over the first obstacle. The game starts, I bounce into the first scene, tap the screen, and then take a tiny bounce right into a triangle. Very frustrating for a new user, and I am used to playing really hard games. I'm not sure if the low bouncing is due to a gameplay action you have going or a flaw in the game physics, but it would be nice to come into the game feeling like I had a chance to get better instead of dying at 0 over and over. Again not complaining, just my perspective. Also for me, Game Center does not appear to be working. I wish you the best of luck.
@stevinz No problem thanks for the feedback. I'm curious if the fact that this is a bounce down game and not a jump game is throwing you off. There is timing involved to get the ball to bounce high then you need to tap and hold to keep the ball low. I certainly didn't design the game to be insanely hard. Part of the challenge of being a small developer is not having access to enough play testers before launching the game. I wish I could watch you play the game to figure out how I could make things easier to start. As far as Game Center not working, what device and iOS version are you using? I have not seen any issues with GC yet. Please keep your feedback coming it is very helpful.
@Gary Wagner I guess its just a timing thing. I am having an easier time playing now that I've had it for a couple days. But the small bounce thing still gets me. I just can't figure out why sometimes it bounces high and sometimes it bounces low. The only method Ive come up with for getting past the first obstacle is to bounce off the first little platform with an arrow on it. Maybe that was the intention but it didn't feel like it (or at least just didn't occur to me for a while), maybe have that first platform be a little wider? Game center did start working for me, not sure what was going on with that. Im on iOS 8.1, iPhone 6
Hey Garry, Great addictive gameplay, nice work I thought you were releasing this one with a publisher?! What made you release on own profile? And did you try to feature yourself with Apple?
Hey Lee thanks, good to see you. The consensus was the art needs to be redone so I'm going to do a new version with a more "Ketchapp" style look to the art. How's your games coming along? Anything we can check out?
I Look forward to seeing your remake and how you go with the art Just finally signed my latest game, will showcase it once I have a release date. Still early days, but look forward to releasing and sharing with you all