Set CheckPoint and Next CheckPoint not working correctly

Discussion in 'How Can I...?' started by sysads, Nov 13, 2015.

  1. sysads

    sysads Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    I have a serious challenge which is a show stopper for my game.

    In my Start scene, I have set both the Set CheckPoint and Next Checkpoint:

    Next Scene has both set and next checkpoints
    I have done same with subsequent scenes.

    Issue is when I start the game and xter hits the first next CP, it jumps to another scene rather than following the next scene. As seen, the next scene should just be like a corridor without steps

    I have already aligned the scenes
  2. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    This definitely is weird and should work the way you set it up. I think Darthy is doing it the same way. @cbecks noble?
  3. Phill Mason

    Phill Mason Serious Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    I had a similar experience when I'd accidentally lengthened one scene and had not Aligned scenes again afterwards. BB got it's knickers in a twist and I went from Start to scene 3 or 4.

    Two other things to double check, make sure you haven't moved a 'next cp' beyond the scene end marker and check you haven't moved the character on the start scene slightly past your 'set cp' marker if you have it set so the character hits it automatically when you land in that scene. I've done all of these over the past few weeks and it's a pain in the arse - but sortable :)
    Simon Crack likes this.
  4. sysads

    sysads Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    I was hoping someone else could help look into this as its not working for me yet and its making me feel bad :( :mad::confused::cool:
  5. Phill Mason

    Phill Mason Serious Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Hey @sysads I think I've found the problem with your bbdoc. I originally said to you that it played okay, but was missing the set cp as I could only see the next cp markers, but I've just copied your bbdoc and stripped it apart to reveal that the first 3 scenes had only set cp in them and the next 4 scenes only had the next cp marker in them. This was causing a weird jump back from scene 3 to 2.

    I've slightly widened the scenes to ensure the end scene isn't hitting the next cp and I've narrowed the camera a little, as you couldn't see into the next scene very well as the character was constantly at the end of the screen. Also,with this type of scene setup, you have to bring the checkpoints in from the sides a little, otherwise you can sometime hit both checkpoints at the same time, ie when you leave one scene and enter another. moving the checkpoints in a bit from the sides avoids this when changing scenes.

    I've numbered the scenes for better identification, put in my own checkpoints so I can easily identify them and see them for now and it moves smoothly from scene to scene with no issues.

    I'll send you the bbdoc rework I've done via the message system and see if that's sorted it.
  6. sysads

    sysads Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Thanks @Phill Mason I have responded back in our conversation.

    It appears its not possible with BBox to ONLY show a scene without having to show two scenes at the same time, so will have to change game style to a continuous long scene :(

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