Hey Guys, I've just released my latest game "Downfall - Endless Arcade Descent" on the App Store. Let me know what you think. iPhone - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/downfall-endless-arcade-descent/id1141300887?ls=1&mt=8 iPad - https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/downfall-hd/id1141306988?ls=1&mt=8
15k is a lot, good work on the downloads! Would you mind sharing some knowledge on how you achieved that many downloads, what kind of marketing did you employ, did you go with review sites? If you wouldn't mind sharing, what methods helped u achieve the majority of the downloads?
Hey Guys, Sorry for the late reply. It's now up to 25k downloads and I did this by asking social media promoters on Instagram for shoutouts. What they basically do is shout out your game to their user base. Great way to promote a game!
I always had this hunch that Instagram could be used for apps/games, but didn't really hear anywhere for sure that it's possible, that seems pretty cool man congrats on hitting 25k! Did you use shoutcart.com by any chance?
He can't say because he signed a non-disclosure. I have another question though: What did you use for the shoutings? A trailer a screenshot? Or something else? Also, did you bring the interested users to your own account or did you bring them directly to your game in the appstores?
I used Memes and Vines for the shout outs. For example, I would have captions like "When you beat your high score on Downfall" and the video would show a monkey dancing with a video of downfall playing in the corner. Videos would finish with "Download Now - Link in Description." The company I used created these for me and around 20 were created. I brought interested users both to my account and directly to my game on the app store. The description would have a link to my account @downfallgame and the biography of the account would have a link to the app.
Hey bro Can you tell me did you created the same game only for iOS and only for iPad? Same game as two apps?
Hi @dkarin00 I created three versions of the game: iPhone - Downfall - Endless Arcade Descent iPad - Downfall HD Android - Downfall This was to ensure it looked it's absolute best across all devices