Buildbox 2.3.1

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Andy, Dec 20, 2017.

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  1. Andy

    Andy Miniboss Boxer

    Sep 24, 2015
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    I will need some specific example, preferably a BBODC. It's difficult to guess exactly what you are doing.

    I'm not having any of these issues. If I turn connection mode off all the connected objects are being moved. If it's on then only the selected objects are moved.

    I found one glitch when testing this, if I select a connection, then try to add objects only the connection get's deleted when I press delete. I actually don't think connections are supposed to be selected at all with multi-select. I'm not sure if this is at all what you are talking about though.

    I'm not sure what all this is. Any example BBDOC or a video would be appreciated.

    2.3.2 should be out this week. We're finalizing a couple things now.
  2. AndyG

    AndyG Miniboss Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Excellent. Liking these fast and furious updates. Thats more like it :)
  3. icatt23

    icatt23 Boxer

    Apr 3, 2017
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    Andy, defeated sound gets cut off when Game Over screen appears. Works perfectly in BB2.2.9.
  4. AstrologicMedia

    AstrologicMedia Boxer

    Sep 15, 2017
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    Has anyone tested the "Share screenshot" on Android on version 2.3.x?
  5. Andy

    Andy Miniboss Boxer

    Sep 24, 2015
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    No, nothing new, we're only working on fixes for the most part.

    I haven't yet, we do have an open similar issue, but it won't make this release.

    I will need an example of this. There are too many variables.
  6. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    It's as simple as adding a defeated sound to your character and die. You can use a 1 second or longer death sound so it's more clear. But even a half a second sfx gets cut off. It doesn't continue to play once the game over UI kicks in.
  7. KidApp

    KidApp Boxer

    Apr 9, 2017
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    [QUOTE=" I'm tempted to ask for a refund until all these bugs are fixed. Or at least give us additional months if we are heavily alpha testing this software.[/QUOTE]

    I am with you as well! I have to work with BB 2.2.8 for the last 7 months because there are bugs in 2.2.9 and of course, 2.3.1 is not working as needed.

    Additional months would be a reasonable move from @TreySmith
  8. AaroArts

    AaroArts Miniboss Boxer

    Jun 22, 2016
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    I’m also having problems moving connected objects and actions when connection mode is on.

    If you shift-arrow to move the parent action then the action jumps in larger increments and the child object (that’s not even selected), moves pixel for pixel...

    Also, in open animation, if you select zero frame and click the opacity of a button without an image in it, the whole scene zooms up and out of view and won’t reset until you go to the mind-map and return back to the UI.
    Christoph likes this.
  9. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    So I have a upwards moving game (-90) and everything seems to work just fin with physics until I add a 'Forced Movement'. As soon as it moves forward everything else gets affected. It looks like slow-motion, gravity gets completely messed up, movement speed of the character as well. In short, I simply can't add a Forced Movement to my game even though it was thought to be a very important part of it. Anyone else with this problem? I guess it's one more bug...

    I literally found like 10 bugs working with just one gameplay template and for one day. I highly doubt there is any interest at all in delivering a quality product. I lost completely faith. And the only thing I can do is come here and speak out, one time after another... and it seems there is no end in sight. Hasn't Trey thought us that polishing is the single most important part of delivering a game? It seems you guys completely missed your own teachings when it comes to your own product.

    Sorry, but this has been a very messy day. One of those where you really want to throw everything out of the window. I can't believe myself I'm still here lol.

    Edit: I guess it's my fault that I started to use 2.3.x. I was too tempted of the multiple select and the faster loading time and then the "official release" came out. But I never should have left 2.2.9. Now going back to it (trying to rebuild the game once more) and won't update anymore until we are getting to 2.3.9 lol. But until then I won't have a subscription anymore. What a mess and what a way to end my relationship with this software...
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2018
  10. KidApp

    KidApp Boxer

    Apr 9, 2017
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    [QUOTE="... What a mess and what a way to end my relationship with this software...
    Hasn't Trey thought us that polishing is the single most important part of delivering a game?It seems you guys completely missed your own teachings when it comes to your own product....

    Completely agree! I am a paid user, but I have a filling that Trey has no interest in "old" software which is 2.X
    I would prefer the BB company not to spend their resources on Master Collection 1/2 but to stay being focused on current product + BB 3. It is not a good strategy to cover all areas with low quality!

    @TreySmith , please, use your superpower, make an effort to make BB 2.x bugless!!!!!! With no love to 2.X you won't get a good conversion to 3.X!!! We are your loyal customers! We are your advocates! We are your future users of 3.X! Don't lose us!
    Christoph and adrogdesigns like this.
  11. icatt23

    icatt23 Boxer

    Apr 3, 2017
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    @Andy ..... Exactly what Christoph said. Just add a defeated sound to your character and the sound cuts off when the Game Over UI menu appears.
    Christoph likes this.
  12. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Just send a mail to Sean since I tried to rebuild my game now in 2.2.9 but it results the same problem appears with forced movement and game direction of -90... :(
  13. swiftcurrent

    swiftcurrent Avid Boxer

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I'm using Buildbox about 8-9 hours a day. Getting well over 20 crashes a day; most of them out of nowhere. All I ask is a stable version, without bugs, where I can work safely without having to press ctrl+s every 2 minutes and have a constant stress that the program will crash and mess my game up. I’m paying one hundred dollars for this...

    Sorry about the QQ post, I don’t enjoy crying on forums but I haven’t seen much activity from the team except some prescheduled entrepreneur quotes on social media.

    Anyway, there’s a new game dev software coming, very similar to Buildbox [I won’t name it here] and looks extremely promising. Maybe it’s time to have some competition; competition is always good.
    Wapps1, icatt23 and Phoebe like this.
  14. AaroArts

    AaroArts Miniboss Boxer

    Jun 22, 2016
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    I have images stuck in my Atlases.
    I’ve emailed support to see how to remove them.
  15. icatt23

    icatt23 Boxer

    Apr 3, 2017
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    @Christoph "Hasn't Trey thought us that polishing is the single most important part of delivering a game? It seems you guys completely missed your own teachings when it comes to your own product."

    probably the best quote on this forum. Can't imagine someone new Buildbox and not visiting these forums. They would go mentally insane trying to use it. I don't want to bash Buildbox again. Awesome concept, perfect name and I even like the Buildbox logo. But this is crazy. Buildbox has really got themselves between a rock and a hard place as my mother used to say.
    Member_Game and KidApp like this.
  16. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    @Andy: are multiple selection issue fixed in the upcoming release? I specially am going crazy with A) copying a group of linked objects and getting them duplicated (so I have to delete them afterwards one by one) and B) having the order of the copied objects completely messed up (different order and elements are taken out of folders etc). Thanks.

    Edit: Another problem is that I can't select a folder on the left panel and copy/paste it. This would be much easier than select all needed elements from the design window. Is this fixed as well?
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2018
  17. Andy

    Andy Miniboss Boxer

    Sep 24, 2015
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    This one is fixed for sure.

    For the rest copy/paste has no support for folders at this time.
  18. tributorock

    tributorock Avid Boxer

    Feb 6, 2016
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    When we will have a new release?
  19. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Thanks Andy, so your recommendation is - in case we depend on copy/pase multiple objects - not to use folders at this time to structure a scene, correct?

    Also, B) unfortunately is not only in folders. I may have phrased that wrong. Hierarchy gets messed up as well in the root of the structure. Some objects appear at the top, some at the middle some at the bottom. This happens in the design window of the scene as well as in the menu UIs. It basically puts things in front of another and then you have to re-order everything which is not very nice if you have a lot of objects. :)
  20. tributorock

    tributorock Avid Boxer

    Feb 6, 2016
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    I just want to know when will be released a a version that i can use.
    icatt23 likes this.
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