♜ Link ♜ ➥ http://www.mediafire.com/file/jjls18j4plh092e/Character1.bbdoc/file (latest version) ★ What does this Template/Node? ★ So for those who want a game with a character system, this should be your current way to go! ★ How noncoder friendly is this node? ★ - You can change the price of each character - You can change the (Selected, select, buy and not enough animations) - Currently there is no way to add more slots your self. But for now this will have to be a request (There is currently 4 character slots available, in about 2-3 days there will be around 15-20 slots more. ) This is not the final version of a character system to BB3. This is just a quick template that will do for now, until the offical system gets here. Enjoy! + Thx to Cocky for helping out with the template animations
Updated the character system - Added point support instead of custom point system - Added "Start character" option (Choose from what character you want as default) - Added "Bought" option (If you have this selected, then you already own the character) Link - http://www.mediafire.com/file/jjls18j4plh092e/Character1.bbdoc/file Enjoy
@Skyhub Games -> hey man, I was able to create 20 characters with your script, it was a bit tricky as I had to change the name of the character on multiple places, but I did it! Now, this Character Unlock/ Purchase script does change only the character Skins. Can we make different abilities for the characters like changing different Trails, Different Jump abilities, Different Speed of characters, like a little more customization. Tried to do that already without much success, as I tried to edit the BBasets (objects) into the UI and link to that Start node those customizations for each character, but it appears that your script takes the main information from the Actor (Character) in the 3D world. So whatever changes I make into the Start Node for each character as an UI object, does not do it. Do we have to Emit Signal for each character change, or something else has to be done! Thanks for sharing, this is a nice script to use, but I am afraid it is more for advanced boxers out there ;-) Itzo
@itzonator I already managed to do this in my game. I have a upgrade system. Only problem is that it fits my game with custom varaible that makes it jump, shoot, life and etc etc etc I am a bit busy making some other projects, like custom checkpoint system with alot more options then what the current one have and particles system. After these 2 i will for sure make the upgrade system that will include in the character system. Dm me private of what kinda upgrades there should be
Hey man, The character system is good, but for changing character skins only, nothing else. Can you make the ability to change character strength so it is different from other characters? Character changes: - I should be able to have or set a unique Start Node for each character, once I have that, I can do all sorts of upgrades for each character. Changing just the skins is very limited, I couldn’t even change the trail node to be different for each character that we are creating in variation. Itzo
@Skyhub Games -> check this out: https://www.buildbox.com/forum/index.php?threads/buildbox-3-api-documentation.17947/
@itzonator hello there! I was trying to set up more than 4 characters as well, and I was partially successful. In my case, I have 5 skins to buy from and when I buy fourth and fifth some selection issues happen, for instance, fourth and fifth skin are both selected in UI, or I can not click again on anything. Could you tell me how you managed to achieve it, or share the file? Thank you!
Check out the nodes, a lot of code has to change if you have more than 4 characters. Just follow the same process that's being used to add more characters.
Thank you it helped me but you can update the system because with the last buildbox version I have bugs with this system (the bug is linked to the price it does not withdraw the money and more when I put the price at 5 for example when I have 5 pieces that puts me the animation not enough)
@Skyhub Games could you do the same thing but with 12 characters. I've been trying for days and can't get it right.
I tried implementing this system to a platformer character and the characters are overlaying each other. Do you guys found any fix for this?
How to implement character system for run & walk animation game with above template? Help me mate! @Clixo Games @ClickFirm Interactive
My Character have run, jump and Dead Animations. How to implement for my different animation need? Thank You mate it's Awesome. @Clixo Games
@Clixo Games This is awesome... Would be even more awesome if there was a way for the user to confirm buying the character before it is actually bought.