Thank you @AndyG for the videos and the reply. Very helpful. Thanks @spicedbeangames I will look into Voodoo and see the types of games they...
Hi Guys, I've been out of the game making industry for around 1 year. I kinda just pulled the plug as things were getting too difficult to earn...
2.2.8 crashes ALOT!! When is 2.2.9 being released??
Awesome work @Simon Crack as usual
Lots of bugs in 2.2.8. I've also noticed BB crashing ALOT!! since updating.
Why? That way works. Unless that's not what you are trying to do
Can't you just overlay a single unlock button over each world, that way when you select the world you are also selecting the character at the same...
I have 2 worlds so far, the first world is always unlocked, the second world gets unlocked once the first world is completed or the user pays with...
If you want to use just one button, use a switch button. You can also increase friction on the character that will make it stick to the platform
You can link the second character to the first and it will follow. You won't get the same look as the video though. Also you can't drag 2...
Attach a enemy physics object to the car. As the the car is moving it will be dragging the enemy behind it. As soon as the car stops the enemy...
Not 1 reply in this post actually answered (or attempted to answer) the question that was asked lol. @eyal as far as I am aware there is no way...
Hi All, I am building a new game and I have made 9 levels so far. I want to make a minimum of 75 levels cause I assume that would be the minimum...
Separate names with a comma.