Hello! Im have 3 worlds with this mindmap: [ATTACH] Im using event observer for level unlock(you need pick up some points to go to next world),...
Hello guys, how to make control like in this game? Thanks. [MEDIA]
Someone help please!
Like in this game, if block run to end of screen you loose...
Hello, i have moving object in game. How i can do that? If you dont destroy object and object move to end of screen - you will die. Or make skip 2...
he said correctly, they do not care what kind of game, they need the dry facts of statistics indicators
Hello guys, now voodoo ask to add some additional code to Game Analytics - 2) Add a new level progression event to your game: - Add this line...
Im agree, my game was tested for retention, its not a problem to intergrate analytics, but i think will problems in future with advertising sdk......
Hello! How to make it so that when you take the bonus you throw it on another scene and when did you finish this scene you will back? Thanks
THanks guys!!!
Hello everyone, how to make such a control? The character moves at a certain speed, after pressing it accelerates, if you remove the click - it...
Separate names with a comma.