Why This Happening To Me

Discussion in 'How Can I...?' started by gashigashi, Aug 25, 2016.

  1. gashigashi

    gashigashi Avid Boxer

    Jul 8, 2016
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    • hello I'm having a big problem with my game the problem is the background when I preview sometimes shows me black background but in fact I make it sky please help me because I do not want to share my game with this background :)

      look the photos what heppning......

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  2. trudnai

    trudnai Miniboss Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    I only can guess what is going on, here are some popped into my head:
    • Z coordinate of the background image is wrong. On the left hand side on the object list make sure the background is at the very bottom, drag it down there if not
    • You added background as an object instead of background
    • Something covers your background (but not other objects)
    • Background offset is a huge number so that as you scroll sometimes it is on screen, some other times not
    • You might using Auto Depth and having issues with that - Background should not be part of a Group Layer...
    • Some very rare cases BuildBox has a problem with Z coordinate. If that happens my solution is to select Character on Start scene and keep pressing Cmd+] to bring it on the very top even if it looks like from the object list it is already there
    gashigashi likes this.

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