hello everyone i have inserted a wall into my game but my character goes through the wall easly like casper the friendly ghost so how can i fix that problem
Check what physics type your character and the wall has. Usually a wall that's in use has Static physics type.
both are static and its still not working can i send u the build box file and you kindly fix it for me please?
Sure i can take a look for you Join us on Discord : https://discord.gg/aUaQxbkh This is my username : Leighton #9198 Thanks
hello leighton how are you this is my link to my file https://www.dropbox.com/s/0s2kfn3kxalkrfq/mazing testing 4.bbdoc?dl=0 I have 11 levels each one has its own maze my only problem is the size of the maze and the camera sittings of the player and last thing is not to be Casper the friendly ghost the most import levels is the start level its has a wonderful maze and level 8 and level 11 please if you don't want to fix all the level please at least kindly do for me level start and level 11 Thanks a lot in advance and best regards
Please check the latest comment from your other thread. All the info is there you just have to. Do it. https://www.buildbox.com/forum/index.php?posts/103628/