@ZackGriset Urgent update from Google Play for new apps submitted to the console: Methods or OAuth Scope Calls used by latest Buildbox 2.3.7 when exporting to Google Play (Android): plus.me plus.profile.language.read plus.profile.agerange.read plus.people.get All of this is affected due to Google+ shutdown. @NikRudenko please consider this change for BB3 and BB 2.3.8 updates - there's deadline for updating existing games for this matter! More info here: https://developers.google.com/+/integrations-shutdown Thank you! Itzo
My app in play store got pending publication, maybe because of this?? Im using google signin in the app.
It is not because of this, sometimes takes up to 24 hours for your game to be published. They check your app before publishing in terms of Google Policies.
Hey guys. This issue is on our radar and slated for a fix for 2.3.8 soon @itzonator is correct, this will not stop submissions currently however.