This is a work in progress guide on how to build and upload your game to the Windows store. Requirements: Windows 10 Visual Studio 2015 (Community Edition is OK) Buildbox 2.1.0 Windows Dev Center account 1) Open the exported project in Visual Studio 2015 by double clicking the BBPlayer.sln file inside the exported directory. 2) Go to "Project" -> "Store" -> Edit App Manifest 3) Click on the "Packaging" tab 4) Click on "Choose Certificate" -> "Configure Certificate" -> "Create Test Certificate" 5) Enter you company name and a password. Click "OK". Click "OK". Click "Yes" to replace the existing certificate. 6) Project -> Store -> Associate App with Store -> Choose App that we are building -> Clean the Project. 7) Go to "Project" -> "Store" -> "Create App Packages". Click "Next". 8) Click "Launch Windows App Certification Kit" (I believe this is optional) 9) When complete you will have an "AppPackages" directory inside you exported project. The "BBPlayer_1.1.0.0_x86_bundle.appxupload" is the binary you need to upload into your developer dashboard. EDIT: Modified 7/15/16 based on customer feedback.
When generating a package, how do we turn on x64 and Arm support? Seems like our games won't be available on tablets and phones without Arm...
We are focused on getting x86 done and dialed in first since that is the most popular. I don't have any information about the EXE name but I will add it later if it's determined to be relevant.
hey @Andy do you know where we should upload the different tile sizes? I remember in windows phone each tile could be re-sized into 3 different sizes. Does buildbox give us 3 spaces to do that or up to now we can only upload one icon size?
Buildbox takes care of this for you. You can check the Assets folder of the UWP export and see all the various files Buildbox creates. Others can be added if you desire through Visual Studio, but it's not necessary.
@Andy i am stuck at step 2 " Go to "Project" -> "Store" -> Edit App Manifest" on clicking Edit App Manifest and error appear that says cannot open file. Whats wrong here?
My app crashes when using BB 2.2.9 along with JDK 1.7 and Eclipse Juno. But when I used same project with BB 2.2.8 I face a crash on "Multiple Unlock". Can Anyone sort out the issue.
@Andy @TreySmith @ZackGriset There's now Visual Studio 2017 for Mac and the exported projects from Buildbox 2.3.6+ are not supported for 2017 yet. Is that going to change anytime in the future. Maybe with BuildBox 3? It says: It's pain for Mac users to submit Windows Store apps, especially with Visual Studio 2015! If you make exports for Visual Studio 2017 I will love you more Thanks!
do i need to have microsoft developer account to just try build app? i has tried to build from buildbox 2.3.6 to visual studio 2017 but first i got error MSB8020, but after i update. i got error LNK2019 can you help me? thank you
im getting these errors Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "long __stdcall __winRT::__getActivationFactoryByPCWSTR(void const *,class Platform::Guid &,void * *)" (?__getActivationFactoryByPCWSTR@__winRT@@YGJPBXAAVGuid@Platform@@PAPAX@Z) BBPlayer C:\Users\AUSTD\Desktop\jj\uwp\BBPlayer\core.lib(PTServices.obj) 1 Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "long __stdcall __winRT::__getActivationFactoryByPCWSTR(void const *,class Platform::Guid &,void * *)" (?__getActivationFactoryByPCWSTR@__winRT@@YGJPBXAAVGuid@Platform@@PAPAX@Z) BBPlayer C:\Users\AUSTD\Desktop\jj\uwp\BBPlayer\core.lib(PTStore.obj) 1 Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error LNK2001 unresolved external symbol "long __stdcall __winRT::__getActivationFactoryByPCWSTR(void const *,class Platform::Guid &,void * *)" (?__getActivationFactoryByPCWSTR@__winRT@@YGJPBXAAVGuid@Platform@@PAPAX@Z) BBPlayer C:\Users\AUSTD\Desktop\jj\uwp\BBPlayer\core.lib(PTStore.obj) 1 Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error LNK1120 1 unresolved externals BBPlayer C:\Users\AUSTD\Desktop\jj\uwp\Release\BBPlayer\BBPlayer.exe 1