Unexpected Death From Force Movement

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by meremy, Sep 13, 2016.

  1. meremy

    meremy Avid Boxer

    Aug 26, 2016
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    What I need to do is have a the environment move towards the character (force him to advance) while the character can move up, down, left, right.

    The problem (unexpected death without collision) occurs when I move back a little and then move forward.

    The camera (left side of the screen) is set to destroy the character. If I set the camera (left side not red) to not destroy the character this does not happen. I've tried a lot of combinations to fix this, even making an enemy on the left side that moves with the camera but I cannot get the right effect in any way.

    Anyone got any idea why it happens and how to fix it ?

    The following video shows the entire process in case you didn't understand my explanation.
  2. heathclose

    heathclose Miniboss Boxer

    Jan 28, 2016
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    what version? I noticed on 2.2.4 beta that the game frame actually runs off the screen in preview and debug mode, you can see it.. but I didn't see that in your video...

    I would send your bbdoc into support@buildbox.com with a link to our video and an explanation...
  3. meremy

    meremy Avid Boxer

    Aug 26, 2016
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    Thanks man,
    Wrote an email to support as suggested

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