UI Setup Tutorial...Social/IAP/Rate/Review/Game Center/Share and such.

Discussion in 'Buildbox General Discussion' started by blufology, Apr 24, 2016.

  1. blufology

    blufology Boxer

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Hello my peoples...here is the first of what will be many tutorials I make showing how I personally do things when making my games...they may not always be the best techniques...but for some who may not even know the best way to input your information and how to set it up. I soon will be making an entire series of tutorials showing how to set up your iOS/Mac and osTV certificates, App ID's Profiles, Leaderboards, TestFlight Internal and External...as well as Xcode direct adhoc testing...itunes App metadata creation and final build...prepare for submission and final build upload ...all of it !...so stay tuned !

    Please provide some feedback to as how you like/dislike this video and how I might make them better in the future. These tutorials are NOT official BuildBox tutorials :)

    virtualgamers2000 and Andy like this.

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