Tutorial! How To Set Up A Vertical Seamless Background For -90 Game.

Discussion in 'Buildbox General Discussion' started by volcank, Feb 21, 2017.

  1. volcank

    volcank Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Hi everyone,

    I was trying to find a solution for this and asked the forums but couldn't get a reply or maybe people who know the solution missed it. There was a problem with a vertical game where when the character jumps up the background seems to shift right or left in a 45 degree angle. To fix this do the things below.

    -Create a seamless vertical background at the same height and width of your scenes in your game.
    -After you completed rotate the image -90 (counter clockwise in photoshop) Now you have a horizontal image.
    -Import your image as background (not object) to create a parallax feel.
    -In background settings also rotate the image -90 inside Buildbox.

    Now you will see the background is shifting down perfectly at the direction your are going which is up.
    Repez, adrian_pavel and Benfont like this.

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