Hey guys I made a Trump Game called "TRUMP UP"... Hoping to get some Election Traffic. I'm new to Google Play store and I dont see any traffic or downloads from that store.. I dont have an android device either to test it. Can Anyone tell me if its up on the store and downloadable? It says published by I can't know for sure. Thanks and hope all is well with all of you. Here are the Links. ITUNES STORE FREE https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/trump-up/id1168251867?ls=1&mt=8 GOOGLE PLAY STORE FREE https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.landon.trumpup
Hi Man It works for both IOS and Google Playstore. May i know do you use any software to convert the trump face?
@ simon... Thanks for letting me know! I just took a picture of trump and worked over it in photoshop. Some people prefer illustrator, but I just do everything in photoshop. Thanks again. !!
New Trump Up Challenge Edition ! Added in Challenges. On iOS. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/trump-up-election-2016/id1168784878?ls=1&mt=8