Hi, I wanted to share my game 'TED - The Rocket Robot' with you all.... Here are links to download: iPhone: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ted-the-rocket-robot/id1097851662?ls=1&mt=8 Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=rwakeman.rocketman Link to Website: http://www.ryanandapp.com/portfolio/ted-the-rocket-robot/ All feedback appreciated. Many Thanks Ryan
Downloaded your game, looks good could conceive how it may be somewhat addictive. What gave you that idea? Is that an avoidance preset? Good luck with it.
The game looks nice. But perhaps a tip. For me I don't download games if they have not a promo/ teaser video. I don't know why but I usually want to see a video before playing/ downloading a game. This is not meant negative Just a tip. That being said, the game looks nice and love the art of the robot Good luck with your downloads