How can I show a "Congratulations" message (in a game) or (on a game over screen) when a user beats his best score ??
Thats what i think too because i couldnt find anything on the forum. and I couldnt make it work also..but I hope I am wrong and admin or some expert could help me out fingers crossed
Did you play around with event observers? There are options "best distance/coins/points" If you put an event observer like that on the game over screen set to "best distance/points/coins/whatever you are using as score", you can then redirect the player to a duplicate "Game over" screen with the only exception the addition of a "congratulations" message. So if this works the way I think it does, it should do exactly what you want. I really wish BB had an option on text/images to be shown only when a player beats his top score so that we could do things like that easier, maybe they will add it someday...
I tried the event observer and that of best coin observer but it asks u for a value like 100 or a 1000 and it shows the message only when u reach 100 or 1000..but thats not what i want.. i want to show the message if the user beats his own best...
Well, I apologize. I hadn't checked earlier, but I was sure it would work. I just checked and it's exactly as you say it is. Which begs the question, what does the "best distance/coins/points" option on the event observer do? Because it seems to be the same as "session distance/points/coins" and it shouldn't be. There has to be a difference. Let's hope someone can answer that