Seeking Advice About Publishing.

Discussion in 'Buildbox General Discussion' started by jayloh90, Dec 27, 2019.

  1. jayloh90

    jayloh90 Boxer

    Dec 19, 2016
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    I know this may sound repetitive and some may ask why i have not used the search bar but believe me i have, but i think the information currently in the forum's doesn't really answer my questions specifically thus i decided to make another thread. My apologies.

    So i am about to embark into becoming a full-time game developer and i'm doing research on what it takes to self-publish and whether or not i have expertise enough to go this route.

    From my research i found out that if you have a retention of Day 1 of 50%+, Day 7 of 20%+, Day 30 of 6%+ you essentially have the makings of a hit game.

    Questions I would like to pose:
    1) Will publishers like Voodoo, Ketchapp etc pick up a game that has already been published initially if just for market testing? I especially want to know about Voodoo.

    2) I have read in this forum somewhere that it is possible to use pre-launch services that allow you to test the metrics, kpi, gain feedback etc. I cant seem to google for any of these services except for . Could anyone list a few or point me in the right direction?

    3) If say for example I managed to test on some platform one way or another and i do get amazing KPI metrics, how would it benefit me to use a publisher like Voodoo when I already know my game is suitable to be scaled up? I should be able to do it myself right? I mean from what I can tell all they essentially do is Instagram and or Facebook Marketing

    Known Advantages -
    1) Their cross platform advertising is a significant advantage to self publishing though i have to admit.
    However, testing out a few ad platforms, campaigns and iterations to get a low cpi and high retention rate would be worth it rather than letting a publisher take a huge cut if we all know you're already close to a hit. I'd like to add that the success of self publishing will also lead to more opportunities to publish other people's games as well.

    2) Their ability to fund the scaling of the games.
    Lets face it. There are Some Devs who don't have the funding to rapidly scale their games. Especially at the kind of level some of these publishers do. I guess if we're in this situation is really simple to just go with a publisher. If I am capable to fully fund the initial ad spend then I feel this benefit is also diminished.

    I would love to hear what the community of Game Devs at BB has to say about these issues. I know alot of experienced devs are here as well. I hope some of you could take some time to answer some of my questions and give your opinions. Thanks guys.

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