Hello, I have created a game in Buildbox which I've exported to Android. Upon importing this project to Eclipse (Import -> Existing Android Code into Workspace -> Browse for folder) the project does not appear, but rather the directory under 'Project to Import', and 'PTPlayer' under 'New Project Name' (as per the attached screenshot) which indicates it hasn't imported correctly. I am aware that I should get two items, one with the 'New Project Name' (something in the format of com.companyname.gamename) as well as a lib item. Annoyingly I was able to produce the desired output about eighteen months ago using the same procedure, and I have followed various tutorials online and searched many forums without success. Clearly I am doing something wrong here. I desperately need to get the game working on my phone so that I can iterate it in Buildbox. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your time.
Thank you for your reply. Does Buildbox no longer support APK builds through Eclipse? As part of my continued frustrations with this I tried to export through Android Studio but this had other issues.