Probability Percent - Suggestion

Discussion in 'Buildbox General Discussion' started by Skrubzy, Nov 24, 2017.

  1. Skrubzy

    Skrubzy Avid Boxer

    Nov 3, 2017
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    I think a probability percentage should be implemented into BuildBox. It would be able to affect all scenes, assets, groups, and sub-groups. By default, the percentage is set to 100% -- meaning that the object will always appear in the scene (The default scene percentage is automatically calculated depending on how many scenes you have). Clicking on a group-set allows you to edit the probability of everything in the group appearing, or you can select specific assets to change their percentages; Sub-groups work the same way. This is useful for creating alternating backgrounds like in Flappy Bird.

    Clicking on a scene would allow you to edit it's percentage, too. All of the other scenes' probabilities are automatically altered to fit the new percentage. Let's say you have 2 scenes, this would make the default 50% for each. Now if you select 1 scene and change the probability to 75%, the other one gets automatically changed to 25%. Muting a scene changes it's probability to 0%, and soloing it sets it to 100%. There would need to be some kind of indicator, so you don't have to click on every scene to find which one isn't set properly.

    (Maybe there could be some sort of "repeat limit" setting too? So the start scene could only play once per game open)
  2. wesam_badr

    wesam_badr Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 10, 2015
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    great suggestion that would make the game richer and not repetitive I also can add the possibility of appearance from abject also actions already have this feature even its limited

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