Playcooldown Bb2.3.6

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by Christoph, Aug 1, 2018.

  1. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Hi support, @Andy, @Sean Buildbox

    Do we still get more updates to Buildbox 2? The Play Cooldown for example is still not fixed and doing a randomized game, for example a quiz game like was pointed out before, is just silly if you put there a value of 2-5 and the same question still appears a couple times in the same session. @ZackGriset said a couple weeks back that it had been fixed, but that simply is not true. And @Andy, you said way back that this was going to be fixed in 2.3.5 or 2.3.6 (can't remember). But we are still waiting.

    Generally speaking, I beg you guys that you don't abandon Buildbox 2 in the shape it is right now. There are many bugs that drive me insane in my daily workflow. Buildbox 3 is super cool but I am professionally using Buildbox 2 at the moment and hence paying principally for this version, rather than Buildbox 3. Please please, update Buildbox 2 with the needed fixes. So many reported fixes that shouldn't just disappear in the excitement for Buildbox 3.
    volcank, viking, AaroArts and 4 others like this.
  2. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    So I just got this information back from Miko:

    When you create a game in Buildbox, you will have the option to create different scenes. Cooldown, also known as cooldown counter, is a tool you can use to manage the number of times your scenes will display.

    To better understand this, let us start by creating a simple Platformer game.

    After clicking on create, it will take you to the world where you have a total of 6 scenes.

    You will also see Play Cooldown on the options panel to your right which has a numerical value of Zero. In default, each scene has zero value.

    So how do you use Play Cooldown?

    We can use it on a scenario where you have a special scene that you want to appear occasionally. Let us try it on scene 3 which shown in the below illustration.

    Let us say that this scene is hard, you don't want to delete it but you also do not want it to appear frequently.

    What we can do is put a numerical value in the Play Cooldown field which represents when it will appear after a game over.

    In this instance I set Play Cooldown to 2, this should display scene 3 on your 2nd try or after 1 game over. To test this, I removed scenes 1, 4 and 5 to limit the number of scenes to show in the game. I also labeled each scene to make it easier to determine which scene are we seeing.

    In the illustration above, we see that only the start scene and scene 2 are showing. After 1 game over, it did show scene 3 just as we were expecting.


    If this is the fix for the Play Cooldown feature, how are we supposed to make it so, that a scene NEVER repeats itself twice within the same game session when everything is randomized?

    Before this feature was broken and (now) fixed, it worked like this:
    The value you enter is how many deaths need to happen before the scene will play again.

    Why has this been changed for the worse?
    volcank and AaroArts like this.
  3. volcank

    volcank Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Yes! Right when I am trying to make a game with a lot of randomised scenes and don't want them to repeat at all cause I will make it a level based game with randomised scenes with an ending let's say after 50 levels. Is play cool down working the way you mentioned @Christoph in vers 2.3.6? Thanks in advance.
  4. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Nope but should be fixed in 2.3.7 final release.
  5. adil zaheer92

    adil zaheer92 Boxer

    Sep 24, 2018
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    what is the correct way of using play cooldown ? its not working for me
  6. Codifie

    Codifie Avid Boxer

    Apr 17, 2018
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    I have always interpreted this as being the higher the number the more deaths, or tries, you need before that scene will appear. But to be honest it never really seemed to work right and maybe it is because of my interpretation.
  7. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    It's still broken and as you know, no fixes are being made. Buildbox 2 has been abandoned.
  8. Josh (Nology Games)

    Josh (Nology Games) Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2017
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    no. the fixes are still being worked on.
  9. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Yeah sure. Over 1.5 year to get it done correctly (or are we waiting for this specific bug even longer now? can't even remember). :) But some believe in Santa too so it's okay.

    Lets hope it will get reality with the release of 2.3.8 that we unfortunately don't know when it comes out. :) I definitely would love to see it.

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