Performance - Object Deletion Threshold.

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by kodagames, Jan 14, 2017.

  1. kodagames

    kodagames Avid Boxer

    Oct 11, 2015
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    Quick question:
    Do I need to destroy enemies (or enemy bullets) that are are spawned (objects left off screen)? If they fly off forever could that effect game performance or is the Object Deletion Threshold taking care of this?

    Also do you guys have a pool manager for spawning in the background (not important just curious).

    Im assuming the object deletion threshold is taking care of deleting object as I think about it now but you never know so I figured I'd ask :D
    colapp likes this.
  2. Phoebe

    Phoebe Serious Boxer

    Aug 9, 2016
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    So the objects fly without stop will be cleared as soon as they reach the value. In my jump and runs I noticed that one should hold between 1800- 3000 max. It always depends on the graphics.With my new Jump and runs (traps) I hold the value at 1800-2200 and because I make obstacles pure, invisible things or fall purely where one can not go back and it does not notice the graphics are deleted
  3. trudnai

    trudnai Miniboss Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Yep Object Deletion Threshold deletes objects that are out of screen of the given distance. You can test it with a setup where you can go back and forth freely and perhaps objects are not moving. you can test how far you can go forward and backward before objects are getting deleted (no longer visible is a pretty good sign of got deleted...)

    If you need to delete objects quicker you can use a Transform Logic to Replace Position to very far away so it gets deleted immediately after hitting that logic. That is good if you have bullets for example and you are trying to get less of those while allowing other objects to stay there.

    I can't answer regarding to object pools, I have no knowledge of BuildBox internals, sorry. But we should not worry that too much in my opinion.
    Forgive, Deliverbo, colapp and 2 others like this.

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