Objects Rendering Closer Than Positioned On The Grid

Discussion in 'Technical Discussion' started by JJ100, May 19, 2020.

  1. JJ100

    JJ100 Boxer

    Apr 6, 2020
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    So I have this problem...
    I'm making a typical car overtaking game. I've put some moving cars in various levels. The levels appear randomly. However, the distance between the cars is random. Sometimes they just spawn both in the same place and crash themselves. I also found out that as the character car is moving faster and faster, the enemy cars density is even higher. Does anybody know how to fix it, so the cars spawn in the place I would like them to?

    Btw, I don't know why, but if it is some kinda bug but if you create any project from a scratch and add some levels, after running the game, only one of these lvls appear and after finishing it, the character comes back to the beginning of it and just stops. I omitted that problem by using a template and deleting everything from it.

    Hope somebody knows an answer to my questions.
    Best regards

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