hello everyone ! i have a casual game with only 5 different stages attached to a random node that gives a random level every time you click play (the game isnt competitive or you can , lose thats why) , but i still want to display what level has the player reached every time he finishes a level. maybe in the "stage complete scene" every time he clicks continue it increases the level on the gameplay UI so it will display from level 1 to level 2 ! any ideas on how can i do this ? any suggestion helps ! thanks in advance
You could just use points in this case. Every time you complete the level, it can count as a point. That way, you can just use the text to show total score.
Ahhh yes sounds logical. Haven't thought of it thanks for the reply. So an easy way to do it is to "add point" to the "level complete" scene and add a text of "global points" in the game ui? Or there is a better way??