Fellow boxers, I'm running into issues with the alignment of each scene, am I the only one? I'm working on a game where the character goes through a portal to the next scene, the background image is meant to be in the same position for all other scenes, the only moving parts are the obstacles... but each next scene the whole screen moves to either the left of the right, some scenes I have half of the previous or the next scene on view. Please assist, Sunguussst
I had this too. I think its to do with static level games and using checkpoints (they dont work well together). I switched the level progress by using points to take the player to the next scene
Thank you Lobsters, I'm assuming that you no longer have the same issue now that you've switched to points?
Yes, the scenes stay aligned now. Although my problem now is saving the users progress when they exit the game and load it up again. This is proving hard without checkpoints. I'm assuming you are making a static level game? Where the user clears the level and is then taken onto the next scene?
Yes, that's the plan. Just found this video from Zack and all the levels align perfectly using the Menu Jump also instead of just checkpoints. Have you tried it before, maybe it could help you on your user progress issue? Video: