Hey everyone so I have been getting this bug that the mesh is not showing up pasted the start scene. Anyone know why this might be? @NikRudenko @AlexBB
Ah yes. we've got it. IT happened to Dynamic objects that is not placed on Start scene. I already fixed that one but can't send you a new build yet. There is few instabilities that might drive you crazy.
@NikRudenko sorry to highjack the thread, but thatguyminib and I are trying to figure out how to configure physics on the fly. I see that there are two methods available. The first is enable/disable, which I would think would be a bad idea for physics calculations. The other we found was setting the type, which I was able to figure out through logs as being the strings kDynamic, kStatic, and kKinematic. What do you recommend?
If you want to activate deactivate physics body via Script you can do it via setActive(); let phys = this.entity().physics(); // getting physics object; phys.setActive( false ); // will disable physics (it is like set your physics to Kinematic) phys.setActive( true ); // will enable physics for body and pretty much like set to Dynamic let me know if that works for you
I shall try it out! Will we be able to have access to the camera as well? Like be able to script it to follow different objects during a game?