I am getting a linker command failed error which is because my ads is a file and not a directory as it is supposed to be ? Is anyone experiencing the same problem ? Have not got a reply from Buildbox support even after so many days ? Someone knows hot to solve this problem. I am using BB3 and Xcode 10 by the way.
I have sent many mails to support and they know about the problem, both Miko and Sean know about this. I want to integrate MoPub mediation and have followed each and every step mentioned in the article written by Buildbox team. But I am getting 3 errors which are causing problem, they are sometimes coming individually , sometimes in combinations of two with variations. The errors are as follows :- ads/PTAdcontroller.h file not found. Linker Command Error ......... MoPub.h file not found. I will write to them now again, hope they respond and help in solving the problem.
Hello May be check Zacks tutorial for heyzap+admob He change the directory in xcode because ads are not in .../libs anymore... Best to u
@viking that does not help. The problem is that my ads under libs is a file and not a directory as it is supposed to be. I think this is some export modules problem.
I've this issue how to fix it?? Showing Recent Messages Directory not found for option '-F/Users/ibrahim/Desktop/BuildBox/2021/StoryGame/StoryGameios/ios/BBPlayer/libs/ads'
Are you attempting to post-integrate ad networks via the custom option or one of the integrated options?