Hi,i think this is what i am looking for.So how many UI did you use?I didn't understand about that label part. For example : Level 1-2 As soon as game begins it shows 1 on left and 2 on right.So one on left is points and 2 on right is coins or vice versa right?
both are points. it starts with 0-1. Like I said I have a tutorial world with an action with one point. Then when the first level starts, it shows 0-1. 0 is score current world and1 is score all worlds. the tutorial only appears once. the level bar i animated to mach the length of the level. I have to mention all my levels are scenes in the same world.
You can do it with custom fonts for scores less than 10, alternatively you can use Menu Jumps/Event Observers to jump UI's or even animate objects in time with a Level Distance. It depends on your game, but there are many ways to do it. I believe a few examples have been shown in the forum before.
Just take the BBAsset and drag it to the UI As of the latest BB build / update, BBAssets cannot be copy/pasted from one UI to another UI.
Hey @itzonator , my game sound didn't work. I attached a sound node to my ball character when it jumps on a platform in bb3 but the sound is not working. Moreover, I attached sound node for the defeated explosion and that too is not working. Can you figure out why this is happening?