Hello all, The entire idea of my game is based on enemies being killed by simply touching them, how would I go about doing this in buildbox? Thanks.
Oh, just to clarify, by touching it I mean physically touching it on a phone screen (clicking on it on a traditional PC).
So I took a shot at this myself and came up with this its simple to do but not sure if it will work with your game you are more than welcome to give it a shot though. First off to explain what i did my first step was to take a the ball asset from the bounce template then remove the bounce and move nodes then i also removed the mesh to make it invisible. I added a 1 to the y and z in the touch move node of the assets node map then i just added a if collide and a defeat node to the asset i wanted to defeat. The out come is everytime i touch somewhere on the screen the bounce asset will move to where my finger is if i am touching an enemy the asset will move there and collide with the enemy thus defeating it. The picture show the assets node maps so you can see how i did it and the video shows it working. Its not a perfect way of doing it but i hope it helps some what.
you have a node now is touch attach if collide to it and then defeat and explosion it would do the trick.