Hello, I'm working with a scene and if I do View -> Scene View -> Reset View the scene is shown upside down in my work area! It reverses the scene and I don't know how to return to the original state! If I play the scene it shows fine... I attach you Screenshot1 -> The original Scene Screenshot2 -> after Reset View -> Scene is upside!!!!!!! Please, help! I'm completely unemployed. I can't continue with my project. BB 3.3.7 B#4157 Waiting for some solution! Mauro
Hi there, Can you send a copy of your bbdoc to me at support@buildbox.com, I'll take a look and see if I can resolve this issue for you.
Hello, I detected another issue: (this is not a critical issue!) 1. If you change the scale x or y to negative, in an entity object, the object cannot be selected in the main design view. Attached screenshot: e1: you can select the object fine e2: if you change -1*X or -1*Y, the object entity cannot be selected. All the best, Mauro
Hi and thanks again. However, I was not able to reproduce this bug. If possible can you send me the bbdoc, so I can further investigate?
Hi Hue, I don't need to send you a bbdoc. Not a mistake from my bbdoc... You can check it by following these steps using the buildbox 3 template: FIRST ISSUE: 1. Open Buildbox 3 -> Create game -> Choose template -> Select Platformer 2. Drag and Drog any object (png Asset) On the MenĂº bar: Select View -> Scene View -> Reset View You will see that everything disappears! And the object you dragged is inverted! If you try to select the object you will find that you cannot select it. This is a very critical error! SECOND ISSUE: The second mistake has to do with the first. 1. Open Buildbox 3 -> Create game -> Choose template -> Select Platformer 2. Drag and Drog any object (png Asset) 3. You can select the object using the mouse!! 4. Now, in this scale object : X:1 Y:1 --> Select X:-1 Y:1 5. If you try to select the object you will find that you cannot select it!!!! This is not a very critical error, but it has to do with the first issue!!!! As you can see, it occurs in 2D worlds!!!!! Do you understand me? BB3 version: 3.3.7 4157# Regards, Mauro
Ok, thanks for clarifying. So for 2D objects, both "X & Y Scale axis should have positive values or both negative values to be visible, unless you check the "2 Sided" box from the 3D Model node. You can also reselect the png image from the Outliner panel. So, the second one is not a bug, but thanks anyway.
Yes, but there are a lot of objects that by default, they do not have the Model3D node by default! And if you Reset the View, selecting 2 Sided : does not working!!!! The scene is inverted!
Adding Model 3D -> Selecting 2 Sided -> Now, I can select the object (SOLVED) Now, the first i remains to be solved!! Thanks! Mauro