Interact With A Cocoapod And Segue To View Controller

Discussion in 'How Can I...?' started by Ross Krasner, May 6, 2020.

  1. Ross Krasner

    Ross Krasner Boxer

    May 6, 2020
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    How do you call an external function from Buildbox to interact with a Cocoapod written in Swift? We've tried using the JavaScript scripting built-in in Buildbox with emitSignal and using a cocos2d-x listener in the viewWillAppear in the GameViewController to listen for the signal. We were unable to receive any events emitted from the JavaScript. Are the signals emitted in the scripting only available to other components?

    We'd like to be able to call functions and segue to other view controllers in the app outside of the game scene.

    For example, on game over, we want to post the score to a server.

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