I mean: Is it possible to make a project with different worlds that have different games?.. like a ¨Platformer¨ and an ¨ISO jump¨? Thanks!
Yes you can make multiple worlds with multiple types of games in BB2 (1xplatfoermer, 1xIsoJump etc). Check the world's configuration for that.
I could´t do it. Are you shure of that? I have 2 projects with several levels and I want to put it together in one game, so you chose in the main menu wich one to play (one was made from the platformer template and the other is an ISO Jump) Is it posiible to import one world from one project to another? Thanks!
You cannot import worlds or templates into one game but you can rebuild them and use world settings from those 2 projects into one new one. Or you just can redo one game into the other one.