How I Made My First $100 With Buildbox-free Mini Course

Discussion in 'Game Marketing' started by noah, Sep 14, 2017.

  1. noah

    noah Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Hey fellow Buildboxers!

    I'm creating a Buildbox " How to get started" course for beginners, and I'm adding in my marketing process for how I made my first $100-and growing-with my first game Bounce Wall.

    I had some good success with creating an email list to drive a fan base and launched a Thunderclap campaign to drive free downloads on social. Check out the video at the 24:22 mark if you want to skip the Buildbox tutorial. Maybe this is a strategy you could implement as well for your next launch. Hope this helps and let me know what you think!

    Check out the FREE mini course anytime at my website

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