How Do I Stop Game Screen From Moving?

Discussion in 'How Can I...?' started by Trudeau, Nov 12, 2016.

  1. Trudeau

    Trudeau Boxer

    Aug 12, 2016
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    If this has been discussed in a previous thread, sorry and please point me to that one.

    I've created a game with default settings in portrait. I changed the game direction to 0 (it's set as -90) and when I play the screen moves sideways. I've changed the world settings and character settings to remove any movement, but I can't find a middle ground. It's either the screen moves on it's own or the screen doesn't move and the character doesn't move either.

    I would like the screen to move with the character when he jumps. I've accomplished this in my other game, when the settings were set to platformer. But in platformer you can change the screen to portrait.

    Are there some hidden settings I haven't checked yet?

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