I have levels 1,2,3, Bonus,4 5, Bonus,6... Inside of levels 3 and 5 (just before a bonus room) are "portal ins" (Portal In: if collide->send ). Character:receive->remove. Bonus rooms have objects with "receive->Spawn: Character". The point is to make a character move through levels 1,2,3,4,5,6 and only if collide "portals" teleport into bonus levels. I tried to place bonus levels at the very end of levels but in this case, they are too far from "portal in". Please advise.
How are your levels set up? Are they worlds or scenes?? If they are scenes then make one level a bonus level or have an object spawn mid scene to teleport to bonus level. If they are worlds then between levels add a new world for a bonus level.
I have only one world. Bonus levels are between standard levels. I don't have a problem with teleportation. Question was, how to make a character move only through standard levels (1,2,3,4,5.....) and only if collide "portals" teleport into bonus levels. I try to add each level manually with this.scene().addLevel('1') but this command adds levels but not replace. I also tried place bonus levels at the end of levels, but because they are too far from the level where portal in is, teleportation not working.
In case of place all bonus rounds at the end of levels, I have to increase "Next Scene Threshold". After that performance goes very low.