How Can I Get Admob/chartboost To Work In My Xcode Project?

Discussion in 'How Can I...?' started by privatehacker, Oct 30, 2016.

  1. privatehacker

    privatehacker Boxer

    Oct 30, 2016
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    I finished my game and exported my XCode project. I triple checked that all of my ad id keys were right in the settings, and all of the screens I wanted were set in the UI map.

    However, when I run the project in the XCode simulator, no ads show up. I've been trying to fix this for the past 14 hours straight. It's really important.

    I also read every single post on this forum of people having the same problem and there are no solutions. I watched every single youtube video on it, and there are no solutions. I read every single third party forum on it, and there are no solutions. Please help.

    Has anyone gotten this to work? Buildbox support has not been emailing back, and I want to make sure that I can actually generate revenue off my projects if I'm paying $100/month for this software. I love it, but please just get the ads to work. That's extremely necessary for indie devs.
  2. bluemoonstudios

    bluemoonstudios Avid Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    First: double check you are using the correct App ID and Signature from Chartboost and also the correct Ad ID from Admob.
    Second: Make sure you have created a campaign in Chartboost and selected your app
    Third: Which location are you in? If there are no ads to show in your location then nothing will show. So to check this switch on test ads in the Chartboost settings and see if you are getting the test interstitials.
    Good Luck!

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