hi,i published a game today,although its in the app store but i saw an alert in my google developer console account the alert says:- Detected incorrect implementation Your game has incorrectly implemented the following Play Games services: Achievements. can anyone please tell me what it means and how it can be fixed?
Ignore it. BB doesn't have achievements but you have to create 5 'test' achievements to get the Leaderboard to work.
I don't have a leaderboard or any kind of achievements and yet I'm getting this alert, I don't even have google play services set up for my game. Is there any way to remove this alert, even if we need to go and modify some of the generated code (if the problem is indeed there)? My only guess is that the generated app is using some api incorrectly? Also, I am not sure we can just ignore the alert, since we don't really know how the Play Store rankings work, but it would be common sense that having such an alert on your game could affect your rankings/download numbers. Has anyone managed to get rid of this alert?