hi everyone i set on google analytics my app, now i need to add on eclipse and xcode: Eclipse: add google.service.json to the app or module directory --> where in buildbox project? Xcode: How to Add? Thanks
please some body can answer about how to integrate on eclipse, google tell me to add json file inside folder called "APP" @Andy do you have any suggest? App folder i can see on Android Studio...
I've never setup Google Analytics in Eclipse or Xcode before. I would do a Google search for "google analytics cocos2d-x" and see if there are any tutorials or other information that will help.
you need to add after build the app in eclips for android or xcode for apple. https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/mobile/
Hi, did you implemented google analyitcs? If yes, could you also integrate event tracking. For example when a button is clicked. Thanks.